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/ Protasco, building a better tomorrow

Protasco, building a better tomorrow

Rimbawan Protasco
Rimbawan Residency development offers the ultimate in urban green living.

PETALING JAYA: “I want to live in a place with lots of trees, where I can see birds and nature. Somewhere with lots of places to play and fun things to do. Not too far from school.”

Little Nayla may be just six years old, but she already has a very good idea of where she wants to live.

Like children, adults too have hopes for their lives, and dreams for their future. Sometimes, the opportunity to make these dreams a reality, can come your way.

Imagine having a home with your own forest sanctuary, in a lovely green environment but with all the ‘mod-cons’ you need and easy access to the nearby administrative centres and Kuala Lumpur.

Being a company that understands people’s needs and dreams, that’s just what Protasco Berhad, one of Malaysia’s diversified conglomerates, is currently in the process of creating.

The award-winning Rimbawan Residency development, a part of the 100 acre De Centrum City project strategically located at KL South, will be the ultimate in affordable, urban green living.

A home in a forest?

Protasco has always been about improving people’s lives. They also have a deep love and respect for nature and are committed to preserving it for future generations. With Rimbawan, they will do both.

While the development features contemporary living spaces – homes and facilities; parks and recreation options, it will also have easy access to lakes, parks and gardens, golfing, equestrian and hiking trails encouraging residents to appreciate nature and embrace a greener lifestyle.

pandemic home buyers have also changed.

Many now work from home and are also more environmentally aware. They want nicer, safer and better natural surroundings to live, work and play; as well as bring up their families.

Understanding these key deciding factors, Protasco has included some unique features at Rimbawan to meet these demands.

There are a host of facilities for every member of the family including a floating gym; an infinity pool and of course, the recreational escape forest with lots of nature-based activities – tracks and trails for walking, jogging, and horse riding at the nearby equestrian stables; picnic areas, open spaces and even an urban farming facility.

Making in-roads into Property development

Founded more than 20 years ago, Protasco has evolved from being a master ‘road builder’, using their expertise in construction, engineering and research & development to diversify into hospitality, education, and property development.

‘We’re participating in the building of our nation in every possible way,’ says Kenny Chong, Group MD of Protasco Berhad.

“The future is about being innovative and agile, and we believe our diversity is our pillar of strength. We are a pretty unique company, as we are involved in businesses across various industries,” Kenny Chong, Group MD of Protasco said.

Having moved into property development with a people-focussed approach, Protasco wants to be builders of the future and is proud of what they have created so far.

“We’re in the business of putting people first. Wherever the people are, we’re in a constant process of investing thoughts, time, and success into it,” he said.

“That means understanding what makes the community thrive. You start by looking at the foundations and values that have set us where we are today. We go to the heart of issues, the linkage of nation building with engagement with the local community. You can say we’re future-proofing the future. Wherever the people are, we’re in a constant process of investing thought, time, and resources into it,” Chong added.

Keeping it real – What you see, is what you get

Protasco may build high rises, but they believe in being down to earth; in being real. So, no fake glamour, no exaggerations. They mean what they say and deliver their promises.

The features and amenities offered will be as specified. The designs and spaces are not just beautiful but functional, and made with people in mind, to meet ‘human’ needs and to uplift lifestyles.

The heart of a bigger picture

Rimbawan is intended to be the hub of a larger township that’s set to become a landmark in Kuala Lumpur South – the De Centrum city, a 100-acre freehold which Protasco is developing.

As such, a lot of importance was given to creating design quality, providing access to the larger transit network and keeping with the people friendly design consistency.

Building for tomorrow

To become a leading industry player in the property development sector is Protasco’s vision.

Anggie Siah who has been with Protasco for over 15 years, says: “I love this business. I love the company. We always seek to answer, what shall we build tomorrow?

“As a company we want to keep people moving today and moving better tomorrow. I think there’s still a lot more we can do. We’ve solidified our reputation in construction and engineering. We’re ready to secure the next generation of growth,” she said.

Mohd Syawal Hamzah, a senior manager who has been with Protasco from the Company’s beginning, added further “What shall we build tomorrow? We believe wherever the road takes us, that’s what we’ll be building.”

And what Protasco is focussing on, is building ‘tomorrow’ – a better tomorrow for the future generations, with a better quality of life that will be accessible to many.

To know more about Protasco Berhad Property, click here.

Contact: 012-317 1738


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