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/ Krishna Chieppa Wins Ten Outstanding Youth in Bali Award for Moral and Environmental Leadership

Krishna Chieppa Wins Ten Outstanding Youth in Bali Award for Moral and Environmental Leadership

Bali– 10 October 2024– Krishna Chieppa, a prominent figure in Bali’s eco-tourism industry, has been honored with the prestigious Ten Outstanding Youth in Bali Award for his exceptional contributions to moral and environmental leadership. The award recognizes individuals who have demonstrated outstanding achievements and made significant positive impacts on their communities.

Bali– 10 October 2024– Krishna Chieppa, a prominent figure in Bali’s eco-tourism industry, has been honored with the prestigious Ten Outstanding Youth in Bali Award for his exceptional contributions to moral and environmental leadership. The award recognizes individuals who have demonstrated outstanding achievements and made significant positive impacts on their communities.

Krishna, a visionary entrepreneur and sustainability advocate, is the founder and owner of Serenity Eco Guesthouse, a pioneering project that combines eco-friendly accommodations, yoga retreats, and a raw vegan restaurant. Located in Canggu, Bali, Serenity Eco Guesthouse embodies Krishna’s philosophy of “Grow mind and body, grow greener, all with Serenity.”

Since 2007, Chieppa and his family have been dedicated to addressing Bali’s pressing issues of pollution and unsustainable tourism. Their commitment to sustainable practices is evident in the innovative solutions they have implemented at Serenity Eco Guesthouse, including waste reduction initiatives, energy efficiency measures, and the use of locally sourced, organic ingredients.

“I am deeply honored to receive this award,” said Chieppa. “It is a recognition of the hard work and dedication of our team at Serenity Eco Guesthouse. We believe that it is essential to promote sustainable tourism and protect Bali’s natural environment for future generations.”

Krishna’s passion for environmental conservation and social responsibility has inspired countless individuals and businesses to adopt more sustainable practices. His unwavering commitment to making a positive impact on Bali and its communities has earned him widespread respect and admiration.

 Junior Chamber International (JCI) adalah sebuah Federasi yang menaungi profesional muda dan pengusaha berusia antara 18 – 40tahun. Organisasi ini telah berdiri aktif di lebih dari 5.000 local chapter di 124 negara. 
JCI Badung Bali adalah bagian dari Junior Chamber International (JCI), organisasi kepemudaan global yang berfokus pada pengembangan kepemimpinan, kewirausahaan, dan pelayanan masyarakat. Selama satu dekade, JCI Badung Bali telah membentuk generasi muda yang berprestasi dan berdampak positif bagi komunitas lokal dan global.

TOYIB (Ten Outstanding Youth in Bali) adalah penghargaan bergengsi yang diberikan kepada 10 pemuda berprestasi di Bali yang telah menunjukkan kontribusi luar biasa di berbagai bidang, seperti bisnis, kemanusiaan, teknologi, dan kepemimpinan.

Untuk informasi lebih lanjut, kunjungi atau Instagram kami di @jcibadungbali.

Tentang JCI Badung Bali Sebagai bagian dari Junior Chamber International (JCI), JCI Badung Bali terus berkomitmen untuk mencetak pemimpin muda yang berdaya saing global dan memberikan kontribusi nyata bagi masyarakat. Melalui berbagai program yang inovatif, JCI Badung Bali telah membantu membangun komunitas yang lebih baik selama satu dekade terakhir.
Kontak Media: Website: Telepon: +62 811-2145-505 Instagram: @jcibadungbali


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