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/ Bantu Deteksi Risiko Stunting di Desa, DoctorTool Gandeng Perusahaan Alkes Jepang Sigmax didukung JICA

Bantu Deteksi Risiko Stunting di Desa, DoctorTool Gandeng Perusahaan Alkes Jepang Sigmax didukung JICA



Bantu Deteksi Risiko Stunting di Desa, DoctorTool Gandeng Perusahaan Alkes Jepang Sigmax didukung JICA

Rainaldo, CEO & Co-Founder DoctorTool, menyajikan presentasi gabungan dengan Nippon Sigmax Co., Ltd. dan JICA (Japan International Cooperation Agency) di Acara Kemendes PDTT, Kupang

Solusi inovatif alkes berbasis teknologi IoMT merupakan salah satu faktor penting dalam digitalisasi pelayanan kesehatan di perdesaan

Kupang, 13 Januari 2023 – DoctorTool, selaku perusahaan healthtech, berpartisipasi sebagai narasumber di acara yang diadakan oleh Kementerian Desa, Pembangunan Daerah Tertinggal, dan Transmigrasi (Kemendes PDTT) bertajuk "International Conference Sustainable Rural Development In Border Areas: Rural Development Collaboration In Border Areas In the Framework of SDGs Desa" (Kolaborasi Pembangunan Perdesaan di Kawasan Perbatasan dalam Kerangka SGDs Desa) yang diadakan di Aston Kupang Hotel and Convention Center, Kota Kupang, Nusa Tenggara Timur (NTT) pada tanggal 13 Januari 2023.

Konferensi Internasional ini dihadiri oleh berbagai pemangku kepentingan di desa dan pembangun perdesaan di wilayah perbatasan, sebagai bentuk kolaborasi dan kemitraan lintas desa ASEAN dalam mewujudkan Pembangunan Perdesaan dan Pemberantasan Kemiskinan (ASEAN RDPE).

Dalam acara ini, DoctorTool menjelaskan mengenai manfaat IoMT sebagai solusi inovatif pembangunan desa melalui presentasi berjudul: “Digitalisasi Pelayanan Kesehatan melalui Pengaplikasian Telemedisin dan IoMT di Kawasan Perbatasan”. Co-Founder dan CEO DoctorTool, Rainaldo, menjelaskan dalam presentasinya, “Dengan teknologi DoctorTool, masyarakat desa dapat mendapatkan diagnosis yang lebih akurat, dan dengan mudahnya akses pelayanan kesehatan, masyarakat menjadi lebih sehat.”

Sebagai percontohan, teknologi dari DoctorTool sudah diaplikasikan untuk deteksi risiko stunting pada bayi dan balita di kawasan 3T, salah satunya di Atambua, Nusa Tenggara Timur. DoctorTool menyediakan sistem RME yang langsung terhubung secara real time dengan alat-alat pemeriksaan tekanan darah, alat ukur tinggi dan berat badan, hingga alat USG.

Dalam paparannya mengenai risiko stunting pada bayi dan balita, Rainaldo juga memperkenalkan alat USG (ultrasound imaging device) dari Jepang, miruco, yang diproduksi oleh Nippon Sigmax Co., Ltd. dan sudah diuji coba di dua lokasi di Indonesia, Bandung dan Bali, sebagai rangkaian survei yang didukung oleh JICA (Japan International Cooperation Agency).  Presentasi dilanjutkan oleh Mariko Nakayama, selaku Project Formulation Advisor, Private Sector Partnership dari JICA, yang menjelaskan mengenai kontribusi JICA di Kawasan Perbatasan serta dalam bidang kesehatan terkait telemedisin selama pandemi di Indonesia.

Lebih lanjutnya, presentasi dipaparkan oleh Kiyoshi Miyamoto, Sales Representative dari Nippon Sigmax Co., Ltd. Dalam paparannya, beliau menjelaskan bahwa miruco dapat mengambil data ultrasound imaging secara cepat dan ringkas karena bentuknya yang portabel, sehingga cocok untuk digunakan di area perdesaan.

Melalui kerja sama ini, DoctorTool berkomitmen untuk menghadirkan alkes dengan teknologi terkini serta mengedukasi fasyankes dalam digitalisasi pelayanan kesehatan di Indonesia. Hal ini sesuai dengan UU 6 Tahun 2014 tentang Desa, yang merupakan wujud komitmen pemerintah untuk memastikan percepatan pembangunan desa.


• Kementerian Desa, Pembangunan Daerah Tertinggal, dan Transmigrasi (Kemendes PDTT)

• PT Medifa Infoyasa Suryantara (DoctorTool)

Mengenai DoctorTool

DoctorTool merupakan aplikasi SIM (Sistem Informasi Manajemen) Klinik yang telah melayani ratusan klinik di 26 provinsi di Indonesia. Hadirnya DoctorTool dapat membantu para pemilik klinik untuk mengoperasikan kliniknya secara lebih baik dan efektif. DoctorTool sendiri memiliki visi untuk menciptakan ekosistem digital yang dipercaya dalam meningkatkan taraf kesehatan masyarakat. Pemilik klinik dapat memanfaatkan berbagai fitur DoctorTool, mulai fitur rekam medis digital, fitur untuk apotek, fitur laporan keuangan klinik, fitur bridging BPJS P-Care dan JKN Mobile, hingga konektivitas dengan platform SATUSEHAT Kemenkes. DoctorTool juga terdaftar di Kominfo sebagai PSE dalam sektor Kesehatan. Klinik yang ingin mendaftar sebagai mitra DoctorTool dapat mengunjungi website mereka di sini. Untuk informasi lebih lanjut, silahkan kunjungi situs atau hubungi:

DoctorTool Marketing Communications  


Phone: +6285888877890

Mengenai Nippon Sigmax Co., Ltd.

Perusahaan alat kesehatan Jepang yang didirikan pada tahun 1973.

ISO13485 authorized manufacturer.

Contact Person: Kiyoshi Miyamoto




English Translation:


Helping to Detect Stunting Risk in Villages, DoctorTool Collaborates with Japanese Medical Devices Company Sigmax supported by JICA

Rainaldo, CEO & Co-Founder of DoctorTool, presented a joint presentation with Nippon Sigmax Co., Ltd. and JICA (Japan International Cooperation Agency) at the the Ministry of Villages, Development of Disadvantaged Regions and Transmigration (Kemendes PDTT) Event, Kupang

IoMT technology-based medical equipment innovative solutions are an important factor in digitizing health services in rural areas

Kupang, 13 January 2023 – DoctorTool, as a healthtech company, participated as a guest speaker at an event organized by the Ministry of Villages, Development of Disadvantaged Regions and Transmigration (Kemendes PDTT) entitled "International Conference on Sustainable Rural Development In Border Areas: Rural Development Collaboration In Border Areas In the Framework of SDGs Desa" which was held at the Aston Kupang Hotel and Convention Center, Kupang City, East Nusa Tenggara (NTT) on January 13, 2023.

This international conference was attended by various stakeholders in villages and rural developers in border areas, as a form of collaboration and partnership across ASEAN villages in realizing Rural Development and Poverty Eradication (ASEAN RDPE).

In this event, DoctorTool explained the benefits of IoMT as an innovative village development solution through a presentation entitled: "Digitalization of Health Services through the Application of Telemedicine and IoMT in Border Areas". DoctorTool's Co-Founder and CEO, Rainaldo, explained in his presentation, "With DoctorTool's technology, villagers can get a more accurate diagnosis, and with easy access to health services, people will become healthier."

As an example, technology from DoctorTool has been applied to detect the risk of stunting in infants and toddlers in the 3T area, one of which is in Atambua, East Nusa Tenggara. DoctorTool provides an RME system that is directly connected in real time with blood pressure checking tools, height and weight measuring devices, and ultrasound devices.

In his presentation on the risk of stunting in infants and toddlers, Rainaldo also introduced an ultrasound imaging device from Japan, miruco, which is produced by Nippon Sigmax Co., Ltd. and has been tested in two locations in Indonesia, Bandung and Bali, as part of survey supported by JICA (Japan International Cooperation Agency). The presentation was continued by Mariko Nakayama, as Project Formulation Advisor, Private Sector Partnership from JICA, who explained about JICA's contribution in Border Areas and in the health sector related to telemedicine during the pandemic in Indonesia.

Furthermore, the presentation was continued by Kiyoshi Miyamoto, Sales Representative from Nippon Sigmax Co., Ltd. In his presentation, he explained that miruco can retrieve ultrasound imaging data quickly and concisely because of its portable shape, making it suitable for use in rural areas.

Through this collaboration, DoctorTool is committed to presenting medical devices with the latest technology and educating health facilities in digitizing health services in Indonesia. This is in accordance with Law 6 of 2014 concerning Villages, which is a manifestation of the government's commitment to ensure the acceleration of village development.


• Ministry of Villages, Development of Disadvantaged Regions, and Transmigration (Kemendes PDTT)

• PT Medifa Infoyasa Suryantara (DoctorTool)

About DoctorTool

DoctorTool is an Indonesian health technology startup that provides digital solutions to improve healthcare services quality. The startup was founded in 2016 by Rainaldo, Septu Jamasoka, and Elisa Yoshigoe. Through DoctorTool, the medical service providers are assisted to provide effective, efficient, safe, and high-quality health services. This is in line with DoctorTool’s vision to become a trusted digital ecosystem provider for better health in Indonesia. DoctorTool offers many modules and features of health services support from digital medical health records, pharmacy module, telemedicine feature, healthcare provider’s financial reports, and automatic reporting to BPJS P-Care. DoctorTool has helped hundreds of medical providers in 26 provinces of Indonesia to operate more efficiently. DoctorTool is already integrated with SATUSEHAT platform from the Ministry of Health and is one of the registered PSE companies (Electronic System Operators)  under The Ministry of Communication and Information Technology. For more information, please visit our website at or contact us at:

DoctorTool Marketing Communications  


Phone: +6285888877890

About Nippon Sigmax Co., Ltd.

Japanese Medical Device Company established in 1973.

ISO13485 authorized manufacturer.

Contact Person: Kiyoshi Miyamoto




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