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/ Overcoming the Challenges of Sustainable Waste Management, RESINERGI announces sustainable integrated waste management project in Ponorogo.

Overcoming the Challenges of Sustainable Waste Management, RESINERGI announces sustainable integrated waste management project in Ponorogo.

Reciraya Semesta Energi
Mrican, Jenangan District, Ponorogo, 10/8/2024 – The waste management project in Ponorogo officially operates in collaboration with the Environmental Service (DLH), PT. Bumi Circular Economy (BES) and RESINERGI with an investment value of 8 billion rupiah and was built within a period of 2 years.

The waste management project in Mrican, Ponorogo was launched with the cooperation of Environmental Service (DLH), PT. Bumi Circular Economy (BES) and RESINERGI was attended by the Regent of Ponorogo Sugiri Sancoko together with related agencies, Gulang Winarno as head of the Ponorogo Environmental Service (DLH), and Glory Harimas Sihombing as Main Director of RESINERGI approved the plan for a total of 120 tons of waste that can be processed in a day and will be processed into goods. more useful ones such as organic fertilizer and Refuse Derived Fuel (RDF) or waste chips.

Gulang Winarno as the Ponorogo Environmental Service (DLH) revealed "that Refuse Derived Fuel (RDF) will be sent by PT BES to be used as a cement mixture with an incoming waste capacity of around 70 tons per day." RESINERGI and PT BES will collaborate on RDF management as RESINERGI is a company that is innovative and focuses on sustainable, integrated waste management.

In the midst of increasing awareness of the importance of sustainability, Indonesia continues to take progressive steps in supporting the achievement of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) 12, namely "Responsible Consumption and Production". With the aim of ensuring sustainable consumption and production patterns globally, with a focus on resource efficiency, waste reduction and the promotion of environmentally friendly production practices.

To achieve SDG 12, various parties are needed. The Indonesian government has set a waste reduction target by 2025. The Ministry of Environment and Forestry (KLHK) stated that Indonesia has set a target to become zero waste by 2025 with a waste reduction of up to 30% and waste management of up to 70%. This goal will be achieved if we remain committed and work together with various parties, including government, the private sector, commercial stakeholders, as well as industry and society.

The importance of waste management projects carried out by Environmental Service (DLH), PT. Earth Circular Economy (BES) and RESINERGI with the hope of producing major changes in people's attitudes and behavior regarding use of single-use plastic and waste segregation. The Mrican Integrated Waste Disposal Site (TPST) is also present by preventing and dealing with damage to the environment and ecosystems related to waste generation and contribute to sustainable waste management.

Responsible Production and Consumption is the main focus of waste management efforts at Mrican TPST with the aim of ensuring that our consumption and production is carried out sustainably, taking into account the environmental, social and economic impacts of TPST. SDG 12 emphasizes the importance of reducing waste generated by consumption and production activities. Sugiri as the Regent of Ponorogo emphasized "So it is important to invite the public not to hesitate to sort waste before throwing it away, the reason is to make the recycling process easier."

The existence of concrete steps by operating the only waste recycling facility in Ponorogo shows commitment, both from investors, government, stakeholders, to accelerate progress in achieving SDG 12 and realizing more responsible consumption and production for the welfare of the environment and society.

For further information about Resinergi's business and related inquiries, please don't hesitate to contact our PR officer, Erika Oktaviani, at +62 812-1217-5724.

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