/ How to Write an Effective Press Release to Recruit Employees
Press releases which are related to recruitment can be in the form of new employee announcements, employee promotions, or new leaders. To know how to write a good press release related to employees, it is necessary to know the proper technique from the explanation below.
Making a good press release requires choosing an interesting title and informative press release content. Not only that, the qualifications of employees that are needed or employees who are being promoted also need to be highlighted.
The purpose of making a press release is to contribute to the recruitment and promotion of employees. So, a press release can make people know that the company has good quality in managing their own human resources. Apart from that, this is also a good way to show that the company cares and respects the abilities of its employees. To understand more, see the guide below.
How to Write a Press Release for Employee Recruitment
Referring to fitsmallbusiness.com, when writing a press release for employee recruitment, they need to pay attention to the template, the information in it, some related photos and the company identity. Also, use attention-grabbing titles and specific accomplishments. Here are some of the things that must be included in a press release for recruitment along with the explanations.
1. Use A Standard and Appropriate Press Release Format
Just like other types of press releases, announcements related to recruitment, employee promotions and other notifications must use a press release format that complies with the standards. The components that must be included are the logo, release date, contact information, headlines, paragraphs containing complete information, endnotes, and others.
The purpose of using a standard press release format is so that readers can easily receive information and understand it. The format that complies with the provisions shows the quality of the company in releasing press releases.
2. Create a Title that Catches the Reader's Attention
The press release should be catchy in just the first 10 seconds. Within 10 seconds, the reader will immediately glance at the title and determine whether the press release is interesting or not.
Make sure the title is informative and arouses the curiosity of the reader. If you need examples, the format below can help you get inspiration:
[Company Name] Hired [New Employee Name] as [Title]
[Company Name] Opening Opportunities for [Specify Community Group Wanted] As [Name Position]
[Employee Name] Succeeded in Becoming [Name Position] Professionally in Just a Short Time!
3. Make the First Paragraph Informative and On Target
The main paragraph becomes the second determinant after the title. It helps the readers decide whether to continue reading the press release or not. Convey the most interesting and most important.
Communicate all interesting information regarding the recruitment, job vacancies, new hires, new directors, etc. Make sure there is 5W+1H 'What, Who, Where, When, Why and How' to attract the reader's attention. Avoid using long-winded words.
4. Make The Second Paragraph More Specific About The Employee's Background and Qualifications
When the next paragraph is read successfully, this indicates that the title and first paragraph have succeeded in attracting readers. Use about 50 to 200 words to highlight the employee's accomplishments and employee qualifications required when recruiting.
In addition, also make it related to the company's vision and mission. The purpose of writing the employee achievements or qualifications is to show company concern. In addition, it can also help companies find the people they need.
5. Add a Quote from a Company Representative
Another interesting sentence that can make the press release more interesting is the presence of quotes from representatives such as the CEO or employees who are experts. Quotations are sufficient to consist of 50 to 150 words.
Quotations can add value to the effectiveness of a press release. The purpose of this quote is to make it easier for other journalists to rewrite this press release and to add a different and prominent impression to the public.
Those were some examples on how to write a press release for employee recruitment and promotion. Furthermore, it can be seen that an effective press release is the one that contains detailed information but is also interesting. We hope that the information above can help companies make press releases as attractive as possible and increase public interest.