/ The Role of Multimedia in the Modern Press Releases Best Practices and Trends
Today's media partner websites are filled with press releases from different brands. This makes it harder to get noticed by the audience.
To make your press release stand out, you can add another element, which is multimedia. This includes images, graphics, videos and more related to your release.
Press releases with multimedia elements include embedded and downloadable images, videos, etc. This helps audiences visualise what they are reading and increases exposure on the media partner's website. Here is the role of multimedia in a press release:
By creating press releases with multimedia, you can publish the engaging design or video along with the compelling text.
This combination creates a powerful press release. A good multimedia element makes it easier to get into the mind of the audience.
A great image, video, infographic, etc. will convey the information with fewer words and grab more attention from the journalist and the audience.
If you just need to create a headline for your press release, a nice and relevant image will do. But if you need to communicate detailed steps and data to your audience, you should consider creating an attractive infographic.
On the other hand, if you want to share a strong statement and a recorded press conference, consider a great video. The multimedia-rich press release will help journalists edit and write the story with more engaging and compelling angles.
In addition, an attractive multimedia element will keep the audience on the media partner's website longer, which is the media partner's goal for their website. This is a win-win situation for your brand and the media partners.
People can get tired of reading too much news in a day. Not to mention the heavy stuff like: elections, political issues, financial news, climate change and many more. So after reading too much, the audience needs a reminder of your press release. This is where multimedia comes in.
A great image, video or infographic will stick in their minds and remind them of your press release. This is a lasting impact that is essential for your release. Having remembered your release, they may want to read it again or even click on the CTA that they may not have clicked on earlier due to their busy workload.
Now that you understand the important role of multimedia in press releases, it's time to include multimedia in your press release. Here is how:
First of all, make sure that you include relevant multimedia with the information you want to share. You may want to add some unique and beautiful design elements, but do not let them obscure the message.
According to Single Grain, 5% of video viewers stop watching after 1 minute and 60% of others stop after 2 minutes. So include only the most important information and keep the video to 2 minutes or less.
Embed the multimedia and make sure it is formatted to be shared on social media, such as Instagram, LinkedIn, Facebook and many more.
Include the keyword in the image or video tag, description, alt text and description to be properly indexed by Google. This will help boost the SEO aspect.
As an important aspect in press releases, multimedia element(s) must be effectively embedded in the press release. Make sure you embed the relevant and attractive ones to create a lasting impact in the minds of your audience.