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/ Electric Bill Soaring? Check Out These 7 Tips to Save on Electricity

Electric Bill Soaring? Check Out These 7 Tips to Save on Electricity

PT. Satya Dinamika Mandiri

With the increasing use of electronic devices and household appliances, your electricity bill can skyrocket. Many of us are unaware of how much our daily habits impact energy consumption.

Devices that are always plugged in, lights left on, and overuse of air conditioning are just a few examples of habits that can worsen the situation. This can lead to anxiety, especially when the electricity bill arrives with an unpleasant surprise.

But don’t worry! There are many simple steps you can take to save on electricity without sacrificing comfort. Here are 7 tips to help you cut down on your electricity usage.

7 Tips to Save on Electricity

Tips to Save on Electricity
Tips to Save on Electricity

1. Switch to LED Bulbs

Replacing regular incandescent bulbs with LED lights can save you up to 80% on electricity consumption. LED bulbs have a longer lifespan and are more efficient at producing light.

2. Turn Off Unused Devices

Make it a habit to turn off electronic devices when they’re not in use, including chargers, TVs, and computers. Avoid leaving devices on standby mode, as they still consume power.

3. Set Your AC Temperature Wisely

Keeping your air conditioning unit set between 24-26 degrees Celsius can help save energy. Lowering the temperature even slightly can significantly increase electricity consumption.

4. Use Energy-Efficient Appliances

Choose household appliances that come with energy efficiency labels. Energy-efficient appliances use less electricity and can lower your utility bills.

5. Check for Energy Leaks

Ensure there are no leaks around doors and windows. Use seals and weather stripping to reduce reliance on air conditioning.

6. Use Timers

If possible, use timers for lights and electronic devices. This way, you can ensure devices do not run longer than necessary.

For example, evomab smart home products have built-in timers. From light switches to plugs, evomab devices can connect with a smart home app to manage when they turn on and off.

7. Improve Ventilation and Insulation

Make sure your home has good ventilation and proper insulation to maintain room temperature. This will decrease reliance on air conditioning and heating.

Tips for Saving Electricity with evomab Smart Home Products

In addition to the tips above, using evomab smart home products can help you save electricity even more efficiently. Two basic products that can significantly reduce electricity usage are the evomab smart wall switch and smart plug.

evomab Smart Wall Switch

This touch-screen light switch offers convenience and efficiency in controlling your home’s lighting. With the ability to control lights through the Tuya or Smartlife app, you can easily turn off unused lights, even from a distance.

evomab Smart Plug

This smart home product allows you to control electronic devices remotely. By monitoring energy usage in real-time, you can identify which devices consume excessive power and manage their usage times effectively.


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